Albany Group Home
Years of OperationFrom 1980 for an unknown period, with possible closures and re-openings.
Role Of FacilityResidential child care on a family model. In 1982, it was reported that the Albany Group Home provided short term accommodation “not only for children for whom the Department has a statutory obligation but also those from families where there is a special need for short term accommodation, such as the temporary absence of a caregiver.” (Annual Report of the Department for Community Welfare, June 30th 1982).
Address(es)270 Middleton Road, Albany
Albany is situated approximately 400 kilometres south east of Perth.
Brief History“An achievement of the past year has been the development of three new Group Home facilities in country centres. These combined with other local resources have enabled staff to take more responsibility for ongoing case management and alleviated unnecessary referrals of cases to the metropolitan area. This has also facilitated a greater involvement of the community in dealing with local Departmental operations. Group foster homes have now been established in Bunbury, Collie, Katanning [see entries] and Albany, which cater for child care needs previously provided for by Metropolitan facilities.” (Annual Report of the Department for Community Welfare, June 30th 1978).
For notes on a general history of these facilities, see the section on Group Homes at the beginning of Signposts.

“During the year the Department opened a new Group Home at Albany which will provide a further resource for child placement and avoid transfers to the metropolitan area…The involvement and access to parents by these placements is often a major step in the rehabilitation of a family group.” (Annual Report of the Department for Community Welfare, June 30th 1979).

“A joint management system between the Department and the Albany Forum exists which emphasises community participation in welfare management.” (Annual Report of the Department for Community Welfare, June 30th 1979).

“The Albany Group Home is fully established and operational following the appointment of new Group Home Parents in January 1980.” (Annual Report of the Department for Community Welfare, June 30th 1980).

A Grant-in-Aid was received in 1980 for a storm water outlet, painting and floor covering.
“Albany Group Home has provided short term and emergency care for 49 children. Clarification of administrative procedures and a good working relationship between field staff and Group Home parents have enhanced the smooth operation of this facility though it has not been used continually to full capacity.” (Annual Report of the Department for Community Welfare, June 30th 1981).

“The Albany Group Home has been re-organised and has this year been fully utilised offering emergency and short term placement for children of school age.” (Annual Report of the Department for Community Welfare, June 30th 1983).
Emergency, short-term and medium term Wards and non-Wards placed by Department. Available beds = 6. Current occupancy (1984) = 2.

In 1996, the Annual Report made the following comment: “The establishment of a group home in Albany, the only major country town in Western Australia without a group home, was a significant achievement during the year.” (Family and Children’s Services, Annual Report 1995/96). This suggests the Group Home was not consistently in operation.
RecordsCase records for young people placed by the Department may reside with the Department for Child Protection.
AccessWhile access to records is restricted to protect the privacy of individuals, people are encouraged to enquire.
Contact DetailsFreedom of Information
Department of Communities
Locked Bag 5000, Fremantle WA 6959
Telephone: (08) 6414 3344
Country free call: 1800 176 888