Redhill Reformatory School
Years of Operation1903 - 1922
Role Of FacilityFor neglected boys.
Sponsoring AgencyAnglican Church.
Other facilities in
Signposts that are
related to the
Sponsoring Agency
See the entry “Anglican Church” in the earlier section of Signposts, “Non-Government Agencies and their Subsidiary Institutions”
Address(es)Toodyay Road, Red Hill
AliasesRedhill Mental School
Brief HistoryThe Anglican Church owned 140 acres of land and a model farm was established on this acreage (the land between Swanleigh and Parkerville was owned by the Church and was called the “Ribbon Strip”. Redhill’s land was upon this landholding). See separate entries in Signposts for Parkerville Children’s Home and Swanleigh.

The only information about the residents of Redhill comes in the form of ‘head counts’ at June 30 as presented in the Annual Reports of the Child Welfare Department from 1920 to 1922. These were:
1920: 12 boys; 1921: 18 boys; 1922: 5 boys admitted, 23 discharged and 13 at year end who went to the Salvation Army when Redhill closed.

As the residents went to the Salvation Army upon Redhill’s closure in 1922 (by which time it was a reformatory), it may be useful to refer to the Seaforth Salvation Army Boys’ Home [see separate entry in Signposts].

See also a book, Noisy Mansions The Story of Swanleigh 1868-1971, by that institution’s long-serving Director, A. Roy Peterkin. Enquiries about Noisy Mansions should be directed to Swanleigh [see separate entry in Signposts]. Noisy Mansions indicates that the management of Redhill was performed by the Manager of the Swan Boys’ Home. A photo of Redhill can be found on page 134 of Noisy Mansions.

In addition to the entries mentioned above, the Anglican Church has its own entry in Signposts, and this should be consulted as it gives more information about the approach taken.
RecordsIt is unknown whether any records exist, but Swanleigh does have an archive on site.
It is always possible, too, that boys who were admitted to Redhill had been placed by the Department for Child Welfare or the State Children’s Department.
Contact DetailsThe Director, Swanleigh
58 Yule Avenue, Middle Swan 6056
Telephone: (08) 9374 5600
Facsimile: (08) 9374 5699

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