Nindeebai Education Hostel, Boulder
Years of OperationFrom 1971 or 1972 . By 1984, Nindeebai Hostel had ceased operating as an education hostel and by 1986 the facility was vacant and in the process of being transferred to the Aboriginal Lands Trust.
Role Of FacilityResidential child care for school children
Sponsoring AgencyDepartmental - predessors to the current Department for Child Protection.
Address(es)Boulder is situated approximately 600 kilometres south east of Perth.
AliasesGoldfields Students’ Hostel
Brief HistoryWhen surveyed in 1971, it was reported that the “Goldfields Students’ Hostel” was under construction and, when built, would “cater for primary and secondary level students in Kalgoorlie and Boulder.” At that time, the hostel was owned and was to be managed by the Department of Native Welfare. (Wilson and Robinson (1971) Aboriginal Hostels in Perth: A Comparative Survey). It has not been confirmed whether the Department of Native Welfare actually operated the hostel, or whether it opened after responsibility for Aboriginal Hostels was transferred to the Department for Community Services in 1972.

Education and employment hostels were operated by or in association with the Native Welfare Department mostly from the mid to late 1960s and early 1970s but came under the administration of the Community Welfare Department from 1972. For notes on a general history of these facilities, see the section on Hostels at the beginning of Signposts.

“The Department has three hostels in Kalgoorlie for high school children (Nindeebai – see entry), working girls (Kalgoorlie Working Girls’ Hostel,- see entry) and working boys. During the past year the lack of employment opportunities for young people in this town has been noticed because of the difficulty in finding employment for the youths staying in the hostels.” (Annual Report of the Department for Community Welfare, 1976).

Facility operated under a formal agreement with the Department of Community Welfare, providing for school children.

“Nindeebai, the high school hostel, currently has 32 residents, many from the Central Reserves. Homesickness and re-adjustment has been a problem and encouragement has been given to families to visit whenever possible” (Annual Report of the Department for Community Welfare, 1977).

“The close liaison between the field [officers from the Kalgoorlie Departmental office] and the three Hostels in Kalgoorlie has resulted in a professional use of facilities with advantages to all parties. A number of children have benefited from the liaison between the Hostels, field staff and the Project School. Those children unable to meet the normal academic standards are given the opportunity to learn and experience manual trade skills.” (Annual Report of the Department for Community Welfare, 1979).

In 1979, the hostel catered for children from Mount Margaret Mission [see entry in Signposts]; the Laverton, Leonora and Norseman areas; and from Cue, via Perth. (Annual Report of the Department for Community Welfare, 1979).

“Goldfields Hostels have moved forward to provide fuller programmes for students and working aged young persons who come from fragmented families in fringe dwelling communities. The emphasis is on the provision of as many options as possible for young people to become part of the wider community.” (Annual Report of the Department for Community Welfare, 1981).

By 1984, it was envisaged that Nindeebai could provide a role in dealing with young repeat offenders within their local community: “Kalgoorlie staff have also been involved in promoting a local solution for offending juveniles. The Community Based Offenders Programme and Dr. David Thorpe visited this Division twice to provide inputs for our proposal. Major changes to the institutional services in Perth stimulated this Division to research the characteristics of our contact with offending youth more closely. The Division now hopes to provide an intensive support service for recurrent offenders within their home environment and thereby reduce the number of children admitted to institutions. It is proposed that this intensive programme will be conducted from the Nindeebai Hostel in Kalgoorlie. Changes in local communities have reduced the need for this hostel to be used for student accommodation. More local based education programmes are becoming available and the Christian Aboriginal Parent-Directed School at Coolgardie is providing boarding facilities.” (Annual Report of the Department for Community Welfare, 1984).

The Nindeebai Hostel, as a facility for school children, was in fact closed in 1984. (Annual Report of the Department for Community Welfare, 1984).
RecordsDepartmental records for children or young people placed by the Department or the Children’s Court may exist.
Departmental records for children placed by the Department of Community Welfare or the Department of Native Welfare may exist. Of particular interest, if able to be located, are the Department of Native Welfare “Resident Details Information Sheet (1) Hostel and Private Board Placement ” and “Resident Details Information Sheet (2) Hostel and Private Board Placement”.
Additionally, the Department for Child Protection's Aboriginal Index and the guide, “Looking West”, should be consulted for information.
AccessWhile access to records is restricted to protect the privacy of individuals, people are encouraged to enquire.
Contact DetailsFreedom of Information
Department of Communities
Locked Bag 5000, Fremantle WA 6959
Telephone: (08) 6217 6888
Country free call: 1800 176 888