Valima Hostel
Years of OperationAt least in 1971, this hostel was associated with Roelands Native Mission Farm [see entry].
Role Of FacilityResidential child care for 12 school age and working girls from an Indigenous background.
Sponsoring AgencyThe Roelands Council operated Vailima Hostel in Narrogin In a contemporary overview recorded in 1971, Roelands was described as being “managed by the Council of Native Mission Farm Roelands (affliliated with the Missionary Fellowship [see Baptist Union for an outline of this group].”. Wilson and Robinson (1971) Aboriginal Hostels in Perth: A Comparative Survey.
In 1975, Roelands was offered to Churches of Christ, who bought the property then and changed its name to Roelands Village. When Roelands changed hands, the Valima Hostel remained under the governance of the Council of Native Mission Farm Roelands and did come under the control of the Churches of Christ.
Address(es)18 Havelock Street, West Perth
AliasesVailima Girls’ Home
Brief HistoryApart from the brief notation provided by Wilson and Robinson in their Aboriginal Hostels in Perth: A Comparative Survey, which indicated that Valima Hostel accommodated working and school age girls and operated under the auspices of the Roelands Council, no other information on the facility has been located. Thus, we know Valima Hostel was operating in 1971. Whether it continued to operate under the auspices of the Roelands Native Mission Farm Council when the Churches of Christ took over Roelands is unknown. Certainly, Valima was never operated by the Churches of Christ.
RecordsSome information may be available on the Aboriginal Index and the guide, “Looking West”, at the Department for Child Protection.
AccessNo known records exist, but people are encouraged to enquire with the Department.
Contact DetailsFreedom of Information
Department of Communities
Locked Bag 5000, Fremantle WA 6959
Telephone: (08) 6217 6888
Country free call: 1800 176 888