Seaforth Salvation Army Girls’ Home, Gosnells
Years of OperationPossibly 1921 - 1942
Role Of FacilityCertainly by 1937, but possibly from its inception, Seaforth catered for girls who had been sent through the Courts or were otherwise deemed “delinquent.” Girls who were intellectually disabled were also accommodated at Seaforth’s “Backward” unit.
Sponsoring AgencySalvation Army
Other facilities in
Signposts that are
related to the
Sponsoring Agency
See the entry “Salvation Army” in the earlier section of Signposts, “Non-Government Agencies and their Subsidiary Institutions”
Address(es)2498 Albany Highway, Gosnells
Brief HistoryCommencing operations around 1921, the Seaforth Salvation Army Girls’ Home continued for around 20 years on the Gosnells site. When the program closed in 1942, the girls with an intellectual disability were sent to Graceville’s “Cornelie Court” unit and stayed there in care all their lives. The Salvation Army’s Heritage Centre can provide more information about this transition.
A limited chronology of the major events at Seaforth Girls, including admissions and discharges, is included in Table 50.
RecordsThe Heritage Museum at the Salvation Army’s Divisional Headquarters has a range of information about Army practices and facilities and holds some photographs and various other pieces of information, including some files from 1922 (Salvation Army Girls Industrial School; 1922-49 (for Salvation Army Seaforth Boys and Girls); 1922-53 (for Salvation Army Gosnells Boys and Girls Home); and 1950-1972 (for Graceville, Lincoln Street Perth).
In its Melbourne office, the Salvation Army has a searchable database of “The War Cry” for the years 1889-1896; 1896-1907; and 1910 forward. The War Cry edition for the Southern Territories includes information about Western Australia.
Departmental case records for young people placed in Salvation Army programs by the Department may reside with the Department for Child Protection.
AccessWhile access to records is restricted to protect the privacy of individuals, people are encouraged to enquire.
Contact DetailsDepartmental Records:
Freedom of Information
Department of Communities
Locked Bag 5000, Fremantle WA 6959
Telephone: (08) 6414 3344
Country free call: 1800 176 888

Salvation Army Museum:
The Salvation Army Historical Society,
333 William Street, Northbridge WA 6003
Telephone: (08) 9227 7010
Facsimilie: (08) 9227 7134

Salvation Army Records:
The Salvation Army
Territorial Headquarters, Southern Territory
(95 Railway Road, Blackburn)
PO Box 479, Blackburn VIC 3130

For people wishing to access information about the Salvation Army and particular residential facilities:
The State Library of Western Australia,
Alexander Library Building, State Cultural Centre, Perth WA 6000.
Telephone: (08) 9427 3111 (local) or 1800 198 107 (WA country callers)
Facsimilie: (08) 9427 3256 Email:
Opening hours for the Library at time of publication are:
Monday-Thursday 9am-8pm; Friday 9am-5:30pm;
Saturday/Sunday 10am-5:30pm