St Mary’s Mission, New Norcia
Years of Operation1848 - 1974
Role Of FacilityBoarding school for boys from an Indigenous background
Sponsoring AgencyBenedictine Community of New Norcia
Address(es)New Norcia
AliasesSt Mary’s College
Brief HistorySt Mary’s College was a boarding school for Aboriginal boys set up by the Benedictine Monks in 1848. Departmental records show that Wards of the state were placed there by the Department from at least the early 1960’s but the Native Welfare Department have had some earlier connection with the facility.

Wilson and Robinson noted in 1971 that St Mary’s was “one of the first mission stations established in Western Australia and [is] governed by the Benedictine Order, which also controls Kalumburu in the Northern Division [of the Department of Native Welfare]. It caters for 160-170 primary and secondary school children.” Wilson and Robinson (1971) Aboriginal Hostels in Perth: A Comparative Survey.

The Annual Report of the Department of Community Services in 1974 notes that St Mary’s received a Mission Grant in Aid for camping equipment.

A limited chronology of admissions and discharges, is included in Table 43.
Records“A Piece of the Story”, the National Directory of Records of Catholic Organisations Caring for Children Separated from Families ( ) indicates that some records exist for the years 1940-1974. These are held at the Archives at New Norcia, with copies being held at the State Archives of WA and at the Battye Library in Perth.

Departmental records for children placed by the Department may exist.
Additionally, the Department’s Aboriginal Index and the guide, “Looking West”, should be consulted for information.

According to the The Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies website , the State Records Office in Western Australia “holds extensive records relating to missions.” Contact details are below.
AccessWhile access to records is restricted to protect the privacy of individuals, people are encouraged to enquire.
Contact DetailsThe Archivist, Benedictine Community of New Norcia
Holy Trinity Abbey, New Norcia WA 6509.
Telephone: (08) 9654 8018
Facsimile: (08) 9654 8097

Freedom of Information
Department of Communities
Locked Bag 5000, Fremantle WA 6959
Telephone: (08) 6414 3344
Country free call: 1800 176 888

For general information relating to missions:
State Records Office, Alexander Library Building
James St West Entrance
Perth WA 6000.
Search Centre: GroundFloor Mon-Fri:9.30am-4.30pm
Telephone: (08) 9427 3360
Facsimile: (08) 9427 3368

For people wishing to access the Battye Library’s collection of historical material:

The State Library of Western Australia,
Alexander Library Building, State Cultural Centre, Perth WA 6000.
Telephone: (08) 9427 3111 (local) or 1800 198 107 (WA country callers)
Facsimilie: (08) 9427 3256 Email:
Opening hours for the Battye Library at time of publication are:
Monday-Thursday 9am-8pm; Friday 9am-5:30pm;
Saturday/Sunday 10am-5:30pm