Fremantle Cottage (Parkerville, situated in White Gum Valley)
Years of Operation1980 – was still open in 2010
Role Of FacilityResidential care for boys and girls in a home setting.
Sponsoring AgencyParkerville Children’s Home
Other facilities in
Signposts that are
related to the
Sponsoring Agency
See the entry “Parkerville Children’s Home” in the earlier section of Signposts, “List of Facilities”
Address(es)White Gum Valley
AliasesWhitegum Cottage
Brief HistoryMission Grant in Aid 1978 for the purchase of land in White Gum Valley and the construction of a cottage. A Grant-in-Aid was received for landscaping in 1980.
“Caregivers in group homes comprise one couple who live-in, ideally caring for up to eight children. Generally, the husband continues in his existing employment, with the wife paid either an honorarium or wage. Group homes operate on a model where substitute care is provided until changes in the circumstances of the child’s original caregivers permit their return home. In some instances a child may move on to other carers on a more permanent basis (as in adoption) or with older youth to semi-independent accommodation. Group care services provided through the non-government sector fall under the mandate of the Consultative Committee on Residential Child Care, and provide cottage care via salaried child care worker staff. The contemporary trend towards community based group care services for children is resulting in the closure of institutionalized settings and campus-based residential facilities.” (Submission of the Department for Community Services to the Residential Planning Review Taskforce, March 31st 1987).

By 1988, the Consultative Committee on Residential Child Care’s Report on Activities confirmed that the cottage at White Gum Valley was still operating.

Parkerville Children’s Home has its own entry in Signposts, and this should be consulted as it gives more information about the approach taken.
RecordsCase records for young people placed by the Department may reside with the Department of Communities.
Additionally, the Department’s Aboriginal Index and the guide, “Looking West”, should be consulted for information.
Parkerville Children’s Home may also hold records.
AccessWhile access to records is restricted to protect the privacy of individuals, people are encouraged to enquire.
Contact DetailsParkerville Children and Youth Care (Inc)
Beacon Road, Parkerville WA 6081
Telephone: (08) 9295 4400
Facsimile: (08) 9295 4099

Freedom of Information
Department of Communities
Locked Bag 5000, Fremantle WA 6959
Telephone: (08) 6414 3344
Country free call: 1800 176 888