
Other Useful Sources of Information

People who are interested in finding out more about residential, out-of-home child care in Western Australia can also consult (from the 1980s on) the Annual Reports of the principal Non-Government agencies involved.  Government Departments and Hospital records may exist from the earliest years surveyed by this project. 

Generally, application to view these Annual Reports should be made to the agencies themselves, who may hold historical records, but some are also held by the Department for Child Protection.  The website, , provides a list of current government agencies and is a good starting place to begin a search.

In addition, the British and Australian Governments have both held Parliamentary Inquiries which involved extensive historical research relating to the experiences of children in alternative, out of home care and unaccompanied child migrants.  The Australian Senate conducted such an inquiry in the 1980s, and again in 2003-2004.  Information can be obtained through the Parliamentary website ( ).  In the UK, the House of Commons Select Committee on Health undertook an inquiry into child migration from Britain and details can be accessed through the House of Commons website ( ). 

Archival information exists in both countries, and interested persons are referred to the Public Record Office in the UK via their website ( ), the State Records Office in Western Australia ( ), and the National Archives of Australia ( ). 

Indigenous students who were placed in subsidised Education Hostels by parents and who were Commonwealth Secondary Grant holders, may have Commonwealth records.  The National Archives of Australia may be the best source for tracking these.

Another useful source of information for people wanting to know about a range of records held by various agencies on people from Indigenous backgrounds is the Department for Child Protection’s publication, Looking West ( ).  Contact Release of Information, Department for Child Protection, PO Box 6334, East Perth WA 6892. 

Telephone: (08) 9222 2555  Freecall  (STD) 1800 000 277


The Western Australian Genealogical Society Inc. may also be able to provide help in tracking down records and information.  The postal address for the Society is 6/48 May Street, Bayswater WA 6053. 

Telephone: (08) 9271 4311  Facsimile  (08) 9370 1572

Website: and follow the directions to other useful links, which are graded by users, on this site.
