Pukulari Cottage, Boulder |
Years of Operation | From 1974 to at least 1986. |
Role Of Facility | Residential care in a cottage environment for boys associated with Kurrawang Mission [see entry]. |
Sponsoring Agency | Christian Brethren / Departmental - predessor to the current Department for Child Protection |
Address(es) | 288 Burt Street, Boulder
(Boulder is situated approximately 600 kilometres south east of Perth.) |
Aliases | Pukulari was the town cottage which succeeded Kurrawang Mission [see separate entry for Kurrawang in Signposts]. |
Brief History | “Pukulari” comes from the Wongi language and translates to “happy home or happy rejoicing”.
An unreferenced Departmental file relating to Reserve No. 34028, which was provided by the Department for Community Development for Signposts research project indicates that Lot 3606 Burt Street, Boulder was “purchased in Freehold by Grant-in-Aid to Kurrawang Mission [see entry] on 5.6.1974 and converted to Reserve status on 25.6.1976. Acquired as a Scatter Cottage extension of Kurrawang activities.”
“Kurrawang Mission [see entry], with the assistance of Departmental funding, have moved into two cottage homes within the town area. Hopefully this trend will continue thus enabling the children in their care to experience more interaction with the local community. Kurrawang are also considering the need to provide short term fostering of Aboriginal children for medical reasons” (Annual Report of the Department for Community Welfare, 1977). Mission Grant in Aid 1977 for a scatter cottage ($36,000).
The WELSTAT (welfare statistics) Collection of 1979 notes “Pukelari – Kalgoorlie” as a ‘scattered group home’ (ie. “a family group home whose grounds do not adjoin those of another family group home, or other residential child care establishment, operated by the same enterprise.”) operated by the Department.
Now an Aboriginal Community, Kurrawang is not used by the Department as a placement service, but children may be placed with foster parents who live in that community. |
Records | Some photographs may be held by Christian Brethren members.
It is not known whether records exist, though case records may be held by the Department.
Additionally, the Department for Child Protection’s Aboriginal Index and the guide, “Looking West”, should be consulted for information. |
Access | While access to records is restricted to protect the privacy of individuals, people are encouraged to enquire. |
Contact Details | For records and other information:
Freedom of Information
Department of Communities
Locked Bag 5000, Fremantle WA 6959
Telephone: (08) 6414 3344
Country free call: 1800 176 888
Email: foi@communities.wa.gov.au
Website: www.communities.wa.gov.au |
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